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About our Club

The Alano Club of Waukesha, Inc. is a non-stock corporation and a non-profit organization established by recovering alcoholics with the financial help of service groups and Waukesha business people.  Many communities in Wisconsin and throughout the world have benefited by the existence of clubs servicing this continuing need. The Alano Club of Waukesha opened its doors in the lower level of a remodeled church located in downtown Waukesha in May 1973. The Club purchased and remodeled an old sporting goods store at its current location 318 W Broadway, Waukesha, and is an established asset to the community.

Club Rules

Non-members are allowed at the club 15 minutes prior to and after meetings; they may purchase a day pass for $1

Profanity, gossip and harassment is not allowed

No carry-ins allowed at the club except for meetings or approved events

Only authorized personnel are permitted behind the counter

TV, radio and pool are not allowed during meetings

Children in the club must be supervised. Please be responsible and clean up after your children.

No soliciting or pan handling at the club

Smoking and vaping is prohibited anywhere inside our building (including apartments) as well as in front of the building. There is a designated smoking area behind our building.

Pool Table Rules:
No playing during meetings.
No sitting or leaning on pool tables
Please do not put any objects on the pool table and be respectful when shooting pool.

The club will not accept any bills over $20

Positively Negative

We drank/used for happiness

And became unhappy


We drank/used for joy

And became miserable


We drank/used for sociability

And became obnoxious


We drank/used for friendship

And became enemies


We drank/used for sleep

And awakened without rest


We drank/used for strength

And felt weak


We drank/used “medicinally”

And acquired a health problem


We drank/used for relaxation

And got the shakes


We drank/used for bravery

And became afraid


We drank/used for confidence

And became doubtful


We drank/used to make conversation easier

And slurred our speech


We drank/used to feel heavenly

And felt like hell


We drank/used to forget

And were forever haunted


We drank/used for freedom

And became slaves


We drank/used to erase problems

And saw them multiply


We drank/used to cope with life

And invited death

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